Urban Chameleon (2003)
Katherine Moriwaki & Fionnuala Conway

Urban Chameleon looks at the ability of reactive garments to influence and change perceptions of one’s surroundings. The Urban Chameleon is comprised of three skirts which are based along the themes of social interconnection.

“Touch” changes visual properties upon contact. “Speak” reacts to urban noise, and “Breathe” visualizes pollution and urban exhaust as it travels through the garment.

Urban Chameleon is part of an ongoing body of research which looks at how environmental stimuli displayed on the body can affect urban behavior and communication.

Women’s Wear Daily, July 12, 2005 (print)
Bits and Bytes (features Urban Chameleon) by Denise Power

Exhibit 3 @ The Digital Hub, July 10 – September 30, 2003, Dubin, Ireland
Wired Nextfest @ Navy Pier, June 24-26, 2005, Chicago, USA